Hollotoli School


Boarding in Hollotoli

Hollotoli School offers a secure and supportive boarding facilities to care for the wellbeing of all its boarders in order to support their growth as well-rounded individuals. Under the oversight of the Head of Boarding, who is assisted by wardens. each boarder is assigned a Dorm Parent who acts in loco parentis, playing the role of a parent / mentor / counsellor / guide and ensure that the welfare and personal needs of boarders are attended to. Boarders can feel safe within the walls of the campus as the campus is fully secured with round the clock guards on duty. An in-house nurse is available 24!7, should the boarders need any medical attention. We provide our students with an environment that not only encourages them to become independent, well rounded and confident beings but also by providing them with a supportive environment in order to achieve academic success.

Academic Support

Hollotoli Schools’ Boarding Program is designed to enable each boarder to achieve their potential within a nurturing environment. Supervised study schedules and remedial classes give a great opportunity for boarders to flourish academically.


The School believes that true learning goes beyond academic pursuits. The boarders are offered many opportunities to develop their physical, social and spiritual attributes. Games and sports are quintessential for the overall development of a student. As such, all boarders are encouraged to participate in different sporting activities to improve their health, hone their skills in the game of their choice and develop confidence and self-esteem. Every second Saturday, the children enjoy a movie. On Sundays, children spend time in the library. Excursions and field trips are arranged from time to time.

Boarding life exposes boarders to new learning experiences, allowing them to discover their hidden talents and develop their abilities beyond the classroom and be equipped with important life skills.